Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Reading 6- Podcasting

Some things I like about podcasting is the fact that students become “content producers” rather than“ content consumers”; they are actively engaged in the learning; they are practicing their speaking skills and it allows you to showcase for parents what you are doing in the class without having to invite them in.
Realistically though, I am not sure how successful I would be in implementing this in the class.  It seems like it would take an awful lot of time and I am not sure how manageable it would be with a class full of 8 /9 year olds. 
How I think I would perhaps try a podcast is with their speeches they write for a mini Concours d’Art Oratoire (as this is a school-wide event already in place.) They would need to be short, simple and done individually.  I also like Coley’s idea of incorporating lots of questions to engage the listener.  I could perhaps put this on my blog for parents?  Not sure.  I often have quite a wide range of reading ability levels.  I know some would still struggle with lots of practice and coaching.  I am not sure I want to broadcast this on my blog?  I do think it is possible but it would require some thought as to how to best proceed. 

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