Monday 30 July 2012

Reading 5- On-line translators

I think on-line translators can be a useful tool when the student has a clear understanding of how to use them and he/she puts an effort into finding the correct words in the right context.     While on-line translators are not something that comes up with my Grade 3 students, I do have a program that teaches them dictionary skills(starting with reviewing the order of the alphabet).  Some of them are able to understand parts of speech and do go on to use the French-English dictionary successfully.
I think however, it is important to not overly encourage on-line translators.  You want the students thinking in the target language and not spending their time looking up word by word the sentence they wish to express.  As for the lessons on using on-line translators, I found them confusing.  Perhaps this is due to the fact I have little experience with them.  I would be inclined, if there is a need,  to show my students an example of a text that has been badly translated(from French to English), share some tips on how to use on-line translators and then give them time and support in class to practice.  

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